Homethings advert. Homethings Just Add Tap. Homethings eco cleaning. Just add tap water. Add tap water cleaning. Just ad tap. Tap dancing cleaning. Tap dance clean. Tap dancing cleaning spray. Cleaning dance man add. Refillable eco cleaning spray. Weird dance man sprays ad. Just add tap cleaning. Dressing gown tap dancing. What does just add tap mean. Homethings tap dancing. Tap to clean. Tap dancing advert. Get Homethings just add tap. Get Homesense. Eco cleaning tap dancing. What is Homethings.
We’re officially making our way onto your screens. The first Homethings TV ad has dropped. Just. Add. Tap.
In true Homethings spirit, we decided to go full bonkers. Prepare for tap dancing, cleaning sprays, and sparkly silver boxers.
Tap to clean up. Tap to refill. Tappidy tap tap.
The Home Care Industry ships 800,000 gallons of water around the world every year. And water isn't just bulky and heavy – it also means that single-use plastic has to get involved. When you add in the fact that traditional cleaning sprays are up to 95% water, and just 5% the stuff that actually cleans... it's pretty bonkers.
Our products make sense. Waterless. Non-toxic. Cruelty free. Single use plastic free. Just add tap + drop in a tab.
We're all about shaking things up – it's one of our brand values. So we wanted to move away from sterile chrome kitchens and bring a bit of fun to the cleaning world. Cue Eugene, a pair of tap shoes, sparkly shorts, and a confetti canon.
A bonkers ad for products that make sense.