Gin and tonic cleaning spray. Gin + tonic cleaning spray. Gin & tonic cleaning spray G+T cleaning spray. G&T cleaning spray. Homethings limited edition fragrance.
Last year, we asked you what your dream cleaning spray fragrance would be…and you didn’t disappoint. Among the front runners were “Champagne” or “Chanel No.5” (expensive taste you lot). Sharon wanted ‘Just bathed baby’. We won’t name and shame the sadists who requested marmite and curry. But there was one overwhelmingly popular suggestion… so we got to work creating our FIRST EVER limited edition fragrance.
It’s slightly bonkers, but you asked for it (in overwhelming numbers). Our refillable all-purpose spray is now available in a fresh new limited edition fragrance: Gin + Tonic.
It’s minty. It’s cucumbery. It’s quinine-ey and it’ll add a little bit of that Friday feeling to your daily cleaning.
Want to get your hands on a pack? Well we’ve only produced 100… so you better act fast.