You heard it here first: the world is bonkers. Not that you needed us to tell you. A quick plunge into the internet is all it takes. We’re living on a planet where people cook tiny burritos for tiny hamsters for fun, where One Direction fan fiction has a wider readership than most literary classics. Where feet enthusiasts have created WikiFeet.
A lot of the stuff that goes on, we’re here for. It makes for a pretty funny world, and frankly gives us a break from the harder hitting stuff keeping us up at night. The effects of social media on a generation of young people, the resurgence of fascism, the erosion of democracy, Kim Jong Un riding a horse. And of course, the looming threat of environmental disaster.
Sometimes it feels like there’s not a lot we can do. But a big part of that last one is tangled up in the plastic problem, and that we can do something about.
Single-use plastic is bonkers. It pollutes our oceans, poisons life and permeates our water systems. And it turns out recycling plastic is rubbish, you’d have more luck putting a bandaid over a bullet wound. Only 9% of the stuff ever made has actually being repurposed and the rest ends up in landfill, in oceans or in toxic flames. Why, then, do big brands keep saying “we’re using the most widely recycled bottle available” rather than getting rid? (Just try asking them on Twitter).
In our opinion there's no excuse for single-use. We'll say it again for the politicians in the back: no excuse. But there is a way to have things make more sense. If you're reading this, then you might have already started making moves. You’ve got a KeepCup, you carry your tote bag to the supermarket, you smugly slap away hands reaching for plastic straws on a night out. But then back at home – in the cupboard under your sink– there’s a single-use plastic secret undoing all that hard work.
That’s our cue. We are Homethings and we create sensible solutions to the single-use plastic madness that happens in your home. A couple of questions to ponder: Why are we sold 10 plastic products when we could clean the house with three? Who really has the time (or body strength) to trek to the zero-waste shop for refills? How come your run-of-the-mill cleaner is made up of 90% water, and you pick up the cost of shopping that water around?
What we’re doing is developing a line of easily refillable and reusable household cleaning and personal care products. We know right now we’re being evasive (read: annoying) and we’ll spill more of the beans when we can. But what you need to know is that we’re giving you a way to slay the single-use monster.
Bet you’re now chomping at the bit to buy a new kitchen spray right? But we do hope we’ve got you as excited as a sensible adult can be. The way we’ve been tackling plastic so far is bonkers, but there’s a way to have it make sense. You get it. We get it. Big corporations looking to make themselves look good and governmental departments who prioritise bandaid policies over impactful change – they don’t get it. Kim Jung Un doesn’t either. Come make sense of it all with us, and get your home things in order. Sign up here to stay in touch.
Love & Sense,